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Design & Technology

As a Faculty, we place great emphasis on the development of key skills that support a student’s mathematical and literary development, as well as strong cross curricular links to all other subjects in our Schemes of Learning.

At Key Stage 4, we follow the new Design & Technology AQA specification which is now integrating all specialism under one qualification and the AQA GCSE Food preparation & Nutrition course.

'We have a very strong teaching team with each member of staff being well qualified, highly motivated and more importantly, we are all subject specialists in our chosen area of Technology. It is our aim to develop students’ design and practical skills through a range of media and materials to allow all students to be creative and innovative within design. We pride ourselves on having a solid work ethic and an environment which is conducive to learning allowing all our students to achieve.'

Mrs. C. Harvey & Mrs. D. Morris, Head of Technology - Resistant Materials & Head of Technology - Textiles and Food

Key Stage 3 

Year 7

During year 7 students work on a carousel and are introduced to Resistant Materials (woods/metals/plastics), Systems & Control (Electronics), Textiles, Food and Graphic Design over the course of the year. Work is of a practical structure and gives them the basis to work on techniques which will follow on to year 8.

Year 8

During year 8 students again work on a carousel and expand on the knowledge that they were introduced to in year 7. Following on in all disciplines they are introduced to more complex technologies which help them inform their subject choices for year 9.

Key Stage 4 

Year 9

GCSE Design & Technology:

Students study Systems & Control (Electronics) at a much higher level which involves mathematical Electronics theory as well as design concepts. Traditional and Technical Textiles is studied to a level where electronics can also be introduced and Graphical Products is studied as a stand-alone subject as well as being integrated into all other subjects.

Year 9 is where our students begin to combine skills from all disciplines to apply to their projects.

GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition:

Students study the theory behind and practical application of the 12 Core Practical Skills. They will develop their understanding of core theory in preparation for applying knowledge to both Non Examination Assessment (NEA) and the final examination.

Year 10

GCSE Design & Technology:

Students in year 10 begin 2 miniature Non Examination Assessments (NEA) this is to equip them for their main NEA in year 11.

They will study at length ALL materials within the exam. This includes Card & Board, Textiles, Metals, Polymers & Electronics. Both practical and theory lessons will be covered at length.

Year 11

GCSE Design & Technology:

Year 11 students begin their NEA (Non Examination Assessments) in June of year 10. Their NEA involves making a prototype product from the materials and processes that they have previously learned. The NEA prototype is worth 50% of the final exam mark. Students then sit a GCSE exam in the summer of year 11 which then covers the final 50% of their mark.

GCSE Food Preparation & Nutrition:

Students begin the NEA Task 1: Food investigation task in September, worth 15% of their overall GCSE.  The NEA Task 2: Food Preparation Task begins from November, worth 35% of their overall GCSE. Students will then prepare for their summer examination From Easter onwards. Non examination content is worth 50% of the overall grade and the 1 hour 45 minute examination covers the other 50%.