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Contact Us

Contact Us


School: 01430 430448
Buswise: 03456 445959


Report bullying concerns to:
Designated Safeguarding Lead (Miss Southorn):
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (Mrs Doyle):

Parents and other members of the public should contact reception on the main telephone line for general enquiries. Queries relating to SEN should contact Mrs L Stephenson.

During normal school hours, all press enquiries should be copied to the Trust's Marketing and Communications Team, email as well as the main school email

Contact a Teacher

To contact a teacher, please email one of the department emails below depending on which subject you are stuck on:

Art -

Business -

Drama -

English -

Geography -

Health & Social Care -

History -


Maths -


Music -

PE -

RE -

Science -

Technology -


Contact Pastoral

Should you need any support while at home the Pastoral Team are still here to help. You can email your relevant Pastoral Manager on the emails below:

Years 7, 8 & 9 - 

Years 10 & 11 -


Contact School Nurse

Please see below message from the Deanna Hind, school nurse regarding contacting her during this time.

"I just want to make you aware that the School Nursing service is still available to children, children, young people and their families during these unprecedented times.  It is evident that young people are struggling with their emotions and more than ever it is important that they look after both their mental and physical health and wellbeing. We have services and online support to help with this, and wondered if it is possible for the school to promote some of them via your website, social media pages, text and email service please.

Here are some of the services offered.

ChatHealth - is a confidential texting service that is available to all young people in the East Riding. This is manned by a School Nurse Monday to Friday 9 am to 5pm and it can help support young people with anxieties, worries or any general/health problems The Chat Health number is 07507 332891. This is also a video that can be accessed via YouTube , and a chat health poster that could be put on your social media sites (above).

Social Media - our ISPHN website and social media sites offer online advice, support and signposting for children, young people and their families from the ages of 0-19.
It might be that some families do not want their child accessing support but these may be the most vulnerable children who may not be able to ask for help. It would be nice for the young people to know how to access support if they need us.  I am happy for this email to be sent to staff so that if they identify any young person that may need support they can let me know via telephone (below) or email and I can offer support as needed.
The school nurses are also still here to support school staff as well as young people, so please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your continued help and support with this."

House Challenge Submissions

You can submit House Challenges to the emails below:

Johnson -

Simmonds -

Mandela -

Wilberforce -

Turing -


Contact Information

Howden School
Derwent Road
DN14 7AL

01430 430448