Emotional Well Being and Mental Health Support
This page also provides links to websites that provide information and support for parents and carers including:
- Chat health
- Young Minds
- Childline – Tips to cope/ Calm Zone
- Thirteen
The link below contains useful apps to support your child's well-being
Useful websites and contact details:
Also available to secondary school children is the chat health service. This is a confidential texting service available to students aged 11-19 years. The nurses can provide advice and support via text, the young person does not need to give any personal information should they wish to remain anonymous.
The school nurses are available 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Students can discuss things such as; self-harm, emotional health and wellbeing, gender identity, healthy eating, drugs, alcohol, sexual health or anything else they have concerns/worries about.
The contact number for CHAT HEALTH is 07507 332891.
Young Minds is a UK charity for children and young people’s mental health.
The website includes:
I am a young person: My feelings, Coping with life, Mental Health conditions, Medications, supporting a friend, real stories.
I am a parent: Parents A-Z on mental health
The parents' guide to looking after yourself, how to talk to your child
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
call: 0800 1111
Childline is a service there to give young people a voice. Whatever the problems or dangers they are facing it’s a place for support.
On this site:
- Info and advice
- Get support
- Toolbox
- Advice right now- This is relevant information for that time period
- There is a Calm Zone to support anxiety and Stress
Childline | Childline
This is a local East Riding support network that accesses a variety of services including:
· Emotional Health
· Physical Health
There are also sections on bullying, LGBTQ, youth crime, county lines, exploitation, drugs and much more.
They will give you all the information and contact details to support you getting the right help.
How Are You Feeling website
The How Are You Feeling website is available for young people, parent/carers and professionals to guide them to where to access support for emotional wellbeing. It includes resources, a directory of services and advice and guidance.
For more information visit the How you are feeling website: How Are You Feeling?
Additional Support
Parent / Carer information:
FRANK (drugs advice) – www.talktofrank.com
Winstons Wish (Bereavement) – www.winstonswish.org
SEED – (disordered eating) – https://seed.charity
Sleep Foundation – www.sleepfoundation.org.
Battle Scars - Battle Scars - Home (battle-scars-self-harm.org.uk) – support for parents with children who self-harm.
Alumina – www.selfharm.co.uk – Lots of advice and also offer a 6-week online course for young people self-harm.
Young People information:
School Nurse/Chat Health – 07507332981
Alumina – www.selfharm.co.uk – 6-week course for self-harm but also advice and support.
How are you feeling – www.howareyoufeeling.org.uk
Anna Freud Crisis Messenger – Text AFC 85258